Talking of Trophies

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Meet the Queen of Silverware, Hayley Guille.  Hayley who captains the Wyke Missorts, in Dorset, has been administering plenty of Silvo and elbow grease to the Weymouth and Portland League trophies.

‘They’ve been languishing in storage during lockdown,’ says Hayley, ‘but we’re keen to be ahead of the game and make sure they look great, ready for presentations.  Some have needed three goes to make them sparkle

Hayley joined the league committee this year as it restarted.  It boasts four divisions and 44 teams at present.  But she admits it’s been tough at times with teams having to rearrange matches due to players succumbing to Covid.

‘Our season began again in September 2021 but sadly at the same time, our honorary secretary Derek Cowan sadly passed away after 42 years’ service.  Derek is very much missed.’

Hayley captains the women’s Motley Crew team when they compete in the British Skittles Championships plus she skippers the Wyke Missorts men’s team.  She somehow fits all this and her committee work in between being a front line social care practitioner and also studying for a social work degree.  Oh and then there’s volunteering with St John Ambulance, for whom she’s been helping to support the vaccination programme.  And then there’s always some more polishing to do….


Below Hayley’s handiwork