It’s one of those misunderstood sayings –n’er cast a clout til may is out.  It’s that old chestnut of a proverb that reminds us about our fickle British weather.  And this month’s rag bag of rain, hail and sunshine so far is pretty consistent with that.  Yesterday it was flipflops, today it’s boots and thick
Easter may have whizzed by but I bet quite a few of you are still feeling sick from eating too much chocolate.  Jeans got a bit tight?  Be kind to yourself.  Most of us wolf down more cholesterol in a month than the rest of the year put together.  This is an unverified fact, by
So valentine’s day is over for another year……but there’s still leap year to come….. Did you get it right for your loved one? Guys – did the flowers and the fizz do the biz?   Or did that scratchy orange mohair jumper not quite hit the spot? Marks and Spencer’s underwear guru suggests following their partner’s


How’s your January going? Wet and windy, freezing cold – but are you having a Dry January?  Have you resolved to ban the booze until February 1? Confession time here: none of us at Serious About Events have any intention of giving up alcohol for the month, on the basis that January is a pretty

Rachel’s Blog

We’re All Serious About Christmas !! Well the countdown has begun – not just to our next season of fabulous skittles weekends but of course it’s nearly time for tinsel and turkey. What’s the perfect gift for a skittler?  Anything from a pint to quite a few pints, I would humbly suggest.  Or go on,