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Drum roll please  – for all of us!!!!

Now here’s something that we are super proud of.

This season, we raised a fantastic £4,672.95.  And it was all thanks to teams donating their winnings and being super generous on the bucket runs.  As always, we are overwhelmed at your generosity, especially during these hard times.

We would also like to give a seriously big shout out to Mags Dobson from Barry who pledged to match the money raised on our March Sand Bay weekend.  Mags duly fulfilled her promise and donated a very generous £550.  We are speechless – just for once.  A huge and heartfelt thank you, Mags.

Mags (below) has a special reason for wanting to help CRUK.  Her dad Michael sadly passed away four years ago after three tough battles with cancer.  Most of her family on her Dad’s side have died from cancer too.  So it’s no surprise that she supports CRUK so generously.

Mags is one of our regulars, having come away with us for years.  She even met her husband Kevin on one of our weekends 15 years ago.  Proving of course that it’s not just beer and skittles on our weekends.  You sometimes find romance as well!

Mags, who plays for SpaceFinders ladies team, will be in Torquay in September for our big skittles extravaganza – her third weekend away with us this year!

So another huge thank you to her and to all of you for every single penny that you have given to such an important cause.

And now, cue drums, we can proudly announce that our grand total overall to date is: £145,860.40p